Thursday, November 17, 2011

How To Earn Money With Centex Sales Group

            Welcome to Centex Sales Group. First slow down take a deep breath. By now you have a brief overview of the company and how we work. Now let's get started earning cash OK. In your sales kit you will see a ad for our 2g INK PEN SPY CAM. Please pull that out, also pull out the page with the INK PEN SPY CAM out the catalog. Study and master the description out the catalog word for word. This is exactly what you say to your customers describe the products. Take time to study and learn your products, the more you know, trust me, the better.

          Now take out a blank paper and number it from 1-25. Write down everyone you know starting with the most important one and on. Now you have your first list of customers. Start with #1 and call/introduce yourself. Tell them your name and that "you just got hired as a Virtual Sales Manager for Centex Sales Group and you have a very nice product you want to show them." And schedule your first appointment right there. Keep on going. As you set appointments ask for referrals, tell them to tell everyone about you/us, this will keep you in business. 

Don't forget to put your full NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, AND MEMBERSHIP NUMBER, on every order form.

Customer Service number is: (254)563-4022
You may call anytime for ordering and questions.  
Additional Training will Begin soon Via Conference Call
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