Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to sell using Facebook and Ebay……

How to sell using Facebook and Ebay……

Hello, and welcome to Centex Sales Group. We are your leader in virtual sales. This is the place to come and learn how to sell our products on ebay. Your job title is "Virtual Sales Assistant". Your duties is to post and manage ad's on ebay. And you see the pay is great cause you get 10% of your retail sales volume. That means you get paid before the suppliers. How nice is that? Then don't forget the bonus.

To get started. First set you aside 3-4hrs each day to post a new ebay ad and to take orders.
Always put your number on the ads. It is your job to sell the customer before you three-way them to customer service.

After you pre-close the order tell the customer to " hold on one moment while I three-way you to customer service Please."

" When you three way the call, before you click the customer in, let customer service answer the phone and get your name. It will be much smoother when the customer come on."

Customer Service will then get your name and the customer's name, address, and phone number. The product, any discounts. You will be disconnected and customer services will call the customer right back to complete the order. Will give the customer Western Union Payment instructions. And instruct the customer to call back when he/she get's to Western Union With the MAN to get a Conformation Number.

It's that simple that's us in a nut shell. So come join us if you not already. Get on the Program and "LET'S ALL MAKE MONEY TOGETHER !!!!!!!!"
So now that I'm on ebay what do I do?
Now that you're on E-Bay get started selling your products. Don't wait on nothing. You may sell one or all of the products. Use our descriptions to help you sell. You may also use your own if it helps. The discounts are very helpful also. I... want all of us to be getting paid. So don't wait on nothing. Just post them ad's and use your phone number so you may soften the sale. ( You are telling the customer about the product and you have explained the price and the closing and everything before you three-way them to customer service. 254-563-4022)See More
 The price is in the photos description. You may use our discounts to sell moor or post the full price for higher commission. Customer Service number is (254)563-4022- 24hrs
 Now read and study all the products listed and practice your sales pitch in the mirror and write it down.
               Now take a moment to let all this good info soak. I'll tell us more later.
Question: How do I Generate Leads?
Every phone call you take. Gather some basic information. Ask them there name. What their address and phone number. Ask questions don't be scared. Ask questions to help the sell. This is called "Qualify the customer". The more info you get from your customer the better the lead will be and you will be able to close the sell better.
These are called opportunity seekers/buyers and these are the type of leads we need to get the best customers.
Get out on the net. Use social networking to meet new people. Everyone needs to be secured. They want to protect themselves. And you have the answer to their problems. Just tell them about the product and three-way them in to customer service (254)563-4022- 24hrs to complete the order.
Now copy and paste the Hidden Cam Boom Box out my photo album on to EBay with your number in place of ours. Go get you something to eat or so and wait for your phone to ring. We can't wait to hear from you soon. HAVE FUN!
So you done all that. Now what?
Now repeat the process. Post more ads the more ads you place the more people will see them and the chance for a sales increases just like that.



  1. Is this everything I need to know to get started?

  2. YES, so start right now and if you need any help e-mail Captin Jones on Facebook at centex214@yahoo.com

  3. Follow us on twitter @centex214 @centexsales

  4. To get started just do what the post say. If you have any questions please call (254)563-4022

  5. And don't for get to follow us right here also. Thanks
